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Smart Roofs Solar Panel

Smart renewable energy solutions for your business

Take control of your energy consumption while lowering operating costs and saving money.


We offer a suite of renewable services for commercial and industrial businesses—all under one roof. 



Does a renewable energy solution make sense for your business? With a property address and utility bill we can run an energy analysis and customized report for you.

Solar in the Summer

Explore how solar energy thrives during the lengthening days of summer.


Illuminate the path to a brighter, more sustainable future.​​


Start maximizing your energy production.

 Cost Saving Energy Options

Explore 3 options to bring more predictability to your energy bills.


Energy costs are on a steady rise.


With so much volatility in the market, it makes it difficult for businesses to forecast and plan financially


* Voted Most Popular *

Announcing our most popular solar energy news article ever!


If you are located in the Northeast, this is a must-read:



Why commercial and industrial (C&I) solar makes sense in the Northeast

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Our clients' impact

$366,848,000 in Lifetime Customer Savings

Equivalent CO2 Offset


Pounds of Coal Saved


Acres of Forest Preserved


Gallons of Gas Saved

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