We've addressed the economic impact of adding solar car ports to organizations recently, particularly for the hospitality industry, but here we'll focus on the secondary and tertiary benefits for both hotels/motels and hospitals.
Drivers' habits, and their vehicles, are changing dramatically. Within nine years, it is estimated 70% of all cars sold will be electric. These cars will need to be charged and, even with Level 3 charging stations, it requires a much longer time for charging than a traditional gas fill up does.
It is imperative for Hospitality to address this change now rather than to wait until they can't fulfill their clients' needs.
In fact, this is an unavoidable, evolutionary step that will more than likely allow the individual facility to simply keep pace with the changing times rather than to take advantage of leaping ahead of the competition. Beginning the planning phase now will allow locations to keep up rather than to permanently fall behind. It’s been well documented how tenuous the Hospitality break even line is and falling behind in any way from their competition may put an establishment at a permanent disadvantage.
As with most hotels, hospitals regularly have a space resource problem...they just don't have enough available roof space and solar carports add a very tantalizing option to address multiple needs.
Not only do carports offer a great opportunity for doctors and nurses working 36 hour shifts to charge their cars, but carports also offer, when planned correctly, the ability to address snow and drainage to help maintain the parking lots cleaner and safer with less incidence of ice. This will also hold true for hotels and motels as so many of the smaller facilities are family-owned and snow removal is very expensive.
Of course, there is an additional financial benefit to carports for both medical and hospitality facilities, aside from lower electricity bills. Hotels can offer a charge as a complimentary benefit by simply padding the cost into the price of the room. In this manner, the savings from the solar solution still go to fully offset the monthly cost of keeping the lights on. Hospitals can charge visitors for charging their vehicles and also provide the piece-of-mind for its staff that their own cars will also be at full capacity by the end of the work shift.