Six ways to improve your cash flow now
It goes without saying this has been a tough 15 months for all of us. I’m sure most businesses would enjoy some extra cash. Here’s 3 ways to improve cash flow in your business without any investment on your part.
For landowners and building owners - You can now lease your land or rooftop to Smart Roofs Energy and receive a long-term, stable income stream for up to 25 years.
For any business owner - Utilities actually make mistakes when they invoice you. Let us do a Smart Utility Audit™ on your last six years utility bills; electricity, gas, and water. Let Smart Roofs Energy retrieve what is rightfully yours; your money! This service is provided on a contingency basis. If we don’t retrieve your lost funds, the utility audit costs nothing!
For any business owner - Take advantage of our Smart Electric Supply™. Our Smart Electric Supply™ ensures you are receiving the best price possible for your electricity. Give Smart Roofs Energy the opportunity to look at your electric bill. We can make certain you are receiving the best price. If you use a third party electric supplier and we can lower your price, you can switch to our Supply Agreement at the end of your existing contract. If you buy your electricity directly from the utility, you can switch at any time.
Opt for Quick Energy Saving Fixes: If your staff is working remotely or at reduced capacity, a quick and easy way to save on energy costs is by making sure all computers and office equipment are in “stand-by” mode when not in use. Plugging equipment into energy efficient power strips, which can be turned off when not in use, can reduce energy use even further.
Installing occupancy sensors indoors, and motion sensing lights outdoors, will keep lights off when no one is present in the office, reducing energy waste and increasing cost savings with relatively little ongoing maintenance necessary. Smart thermostats are another relatively low-cost, high reward opportunity to increase energy savings throughout your facility, and they can even be managed remotely.
Kickstart Your Energy Management Strategy: Whether at home or in the office, now is a great time to evaluate the way your business currently manages energy. Kickstarting a strategic energy management (SEM) program is an effective way to uncover short and long-term cost savings and efficiencies by allowing you to manage energy holistically across your organization.
The best part? NYSERDA has a number of training programs and resources available to remote and hybrid businesses and facilities, including SEM On Demand, a remote-learning training program, and a Virtual Treasure Hunt program, which employs a virtual energy audit approach to unlock energy saving opportunities, prioritize findings, and calculate your potential energy savings.
Upgrade Your Heating and Cooling System to a Heat Pump: With fewer employees in the office, now is a great time to take a thorough look at upgrading your business’ current heating and cooling system. Better, more efficient technologies, such as heat pumps, are making it possible for businesses to keep employees comfortable year-round, save energy, and reduce their carbon footprint. Heat pumps work by drawing heat from the environment and moving it indoors to heat or moving it outdoors to cool your building. Through NYSERDA, your local utility, and qualified solutions providers, there are a number of programs and incentives available for businesses of all sizes to help you make an energy upgrade.
For more information about any of these cash-flow enhancing programs, please call 845-453-5149 and ask for Paul Goldner.